Financial Coaching for College Students


How We Can Help

According to the American Psychological Association, “The vast majority of Gen Z adults in college (87%) report their education is a significant source of stress. ” (American Psychological Association (2020). Stress in America™ 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis.). While much of the stress relates to the uncertainty about the pandemic and how it will affect their future, financial stress relating to the economy, job opportunities, and debt obligations is also a concern.

In many cases, financial stress can be reduced by educating students on personal finance management strategies. Understanding the importance of budgeting and saving can improve not only their financial well-being, but their physical and mental well-being as well, leading to less stressed and more focused students.

At Aspire Financial Coaching, we can help college students become more financially empowered by offering workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions. Contact us if you are interested in hearing more about our workshops and coaching services for college students.


We provide workshops that cover topics that directly impact college student. We can also develop workshops based on the topics and needs of your students.

  • Financial Empowerment

    This workshop provides an overview of how students can become more financially empowered by budgeting, saving, understanding credit reports and credit scores, and managing debt and student loans. We also focus on three core principles for building long-term wealth: Lifetime Income, Pay Yourself First, , and the Power of Compound Interest.

  • Spending Awareness and Creating Financial Goals
    Financial Empowerment begins with being aware of how you are spending your money.   In this workshop we discuss how to create a personal net worth and cash flow statement. We also cover the best way to budget and discuss the pros and cons to online budgeting tools.  Finally, we discuss the importance of creating SMART financial goals, and aligning financial goals to your budget and core values.

  • Credit Reports and Credit Scores
    College students are just beginning to build credit. This workshop focuses on what information is available in a credit report and the importance of reviewing your credit reports on a regular basis.  The workshop also covers the different types of credit scores, what factors impact a credit score, and strategies for building, maintaining and improving credit scores.  

  • Student Loans

    This workshop covers the different types of student loans (federal vs. private), a student’s obligations for paying student loans, and the federal programs available for helping people manage and pay their federal student loans.

One-On-One Coaching

What better way to help relieve financial stress than to have a coach available for students to answer basic financial questions. Offering financial coaching to college students is a great way to help them focus on improving their financial well-being.

Depending on how many students sign up, we can schedule one-on-one private sessions on campus or over the phone. We can help with questions related to budgeting, credit scores, paying down debt, student loans, and much more.

How does one-on-one coaching work?

We can come to campus for 1 - 3 hours and make ourselves available to speak to students one-on-one about any financial questions they may have. We do not give investment advice, nor do we sell any financial products. Our only purpose is to educate and help students think through financial questions and problems they may be facing.